H a r d y D i a g n o s t i c s N e w s l e t t e r
March 2008
Flocked Swabs
for better recovery
Flocked swabs more completely release the specimen, rather than trapping it like conventional swabs.
You can see for yourself how the flocked swab releases more of the sample into solution.
Traditional wound fiber swabs entrap the specimen inside the matrix, releasing a smaller percentage of the sample.
The new ElutionSwabs, by Copan, utilize a new technology that sprays on electrically charged nylon strands, welding them to the shaft in a uniform perpendicular orientation.
Nylon flocked Traditional wound
The nylon fibers create a highly absorbent surface. However, when the swab is placed in a liquid transport media or nutrient broth, the sample is rapidly and more completely released. Flocked swabs increase your recovery rate and ultimately result in better patient care.
Click here
for a brochure on the new Flocked Swabs without media.
Click here
for some free samples. Hardy offers the flocked swab with or without transport media (liquid amies).
More Brainteasers
Feeling smart today?
Let's see about that...
Danish Pathologist Trashes His Own Invention...
But We Use it Anyway!
Find out
about the man who stumbled upon a remarkable discovery 123 years ago.
Is it really "defective and imperfect" as he says?
If this is a pure culture, why do the cells stain different colors?
Find out
A Little Micro Humor...
Did you hear about the microbiologist that had twin babies?
She baptized one, and kept the other one as a control!
Gram Stain Advanced
increases clarity, brightness, and your confidence...
Hardy's Gram Stain Advanced has been re-formulated for brighter, more distinct colors; especially for those difficult to stain organisms, like Bacillus, Fusobacterium and other anaerobes. Cells will stain brighter with well defined edges and will be less prone to over-decolorization. All components are ready-to-use with a two year shelf life.
These untouched photos show
Bacillus subtilus
Fusobacterium nucleatum
at 1,000X.
Click here
for a complete brochure with catalog numbers.
Click here
to request free sample to see the difference for yourself!
Click here
to learn more about gram staining..the history...the pitfalls.
ogistics is a constant concern and challenge for us here at Hardy Diagnostics. That's why we maintain six distribution facilities in the US. Our desire is to get the product to you, when you need it, on time, every time.
Let us know
how we can help you.
Jay Hardy, CLS, SM (ASCP)
"From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life."
"If I were to say, ''God, why me?'' about the bad things, then I should have said, ''God, why me?'' about the good things that happened in my life."
"Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome."
"True heroism is remarkably sober and very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost."
"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
- - Arthur Ashe
Arthur Ashe
1943 - 1993
Winner of three
"Grand Slam" Tennis Titles
Killer Lemons?
A recent news article alerted the public as to the dangers of that innocent looking lemon slice in your drink.
Does the press exaggerate, over simplify, and sensationalize scientific studies?
Click here
to find out if you can trust what you read in the news.